Green pepper plants

This is just a quick update on my garden. My peppers are still inside, but I think I can plant them soon. Here they are in their makeshift pots. I learned that I need to upgrade them from the starter pots (toilet paper rolls), so they went into tea boxes. I'm determined to spend as little as possible on this project.
Cherry tomato plants

The tomatoes I started inside are now in the ground. I planted five but only four remain. Some critter (I imagine a squirrel) dug up one of the tomato plants the same day I planted it. When I checked on them the next day the poor plant had been dug up and then tossed aside and left to die. I guess I'm going to have to get used to this, but as my first "casualty" it was kind of sad.
Since then, however, the rest of the plants are doing fine. My husband is looking into making cages for them.
Snap pea plant

As well as the plants I started inside, I also planted snap/snow peas and carrots. The carrots are coming up well so far but don't look great in pictures yet. I'll show you those as they get bigger.
This picture is of a snap pea plant. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to need a pole for these. I'll look it up at some point.
And that's it for this update. I'm hoping the squirrels don't cause more issues. I really have no idea what I would do if they become a problem. I'd appreciate any advice from readers!
They look great.. I have no words of advice to offer on squirrels, but I hope they don't become a bother! Good Luck!
I love it! A plus for you, you health and mother Earth!!!!
Not sure if this will work in 100% of situations, but last year my hubby took wooden grill skewers and put them around the plant pointed side UP. The squirells seemed to leave the plant alone after that.
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