Saturday, April 18, 2009

Shop Feature: Lucky Stars Origami

Lucky Stars Origami
is a great Etsy shop filled with unique handmade jewelry at great prices. The bright and colorful designs are perfect for spring. These origami flower earrings are my favorite item in her shop:

Here's a little about how she got started making origami jewelry:
"I started doing origami because of a boyfriend I had in high school. He was really into it. We even went to the origami convention in New York a couple of times. After we broke up, I stopped for a little while and I've just recently started up again. I saw these spirals and I thought they would be perfect for earrings! Then I decided to try stars... and it's snowballed from there!"
I've put together a sampling of Lucky Star Origami items to create this Spotlight on Please feel free to go to this spotlight to see the whole selection and to leave a comment.


Kim Caro said...

oh id love to wear those yellows

Unknown said...

Wow those are really pretty. :D

audreyscountrycrafts said...

Love those earrings!! what a wonderful shop.